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The Ladies' College


Back 20.10.22

House Debating competition


On the last day of term before half term it was decided to hold the first Senior School House Debating Competition. Each House was represented by a team of speakers from across Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5. They had to work together to research and deliver an argument either in support or against various motions.

The titles for the debates were taken from the College archives, where we found reference to an historic debating society. The first competition was between De Sausmarez and Carey with the motion ‘This House believes that the Sciences have done more for society than the Artstaken from the 1964 archive. Durand and Brock then debated a title from 1971, ‘This House proposes that uncivilized man was happier than his modern counterpart’.

The Final was between Durand and Carey, and their motion wasThe advantages of war are greater than the disadvantages. Interestingly this was first debated in 1909, pre- the two World wars and probably a very different argument. 


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The debates were watched by members of the Houses, who supported their participants enthusiastically and listened attentively to the arguments. All speakers were confident and impressive, speaking with minimal prompt cards and thinking quickly in order to rebut and counter argue.

We were very pleased to welcome Miss Geach back into College to present the Trophy, which she generously donated on her retirement this summer.

At the end of some spirited and good-humoured competition, the winners were declared as Durand.

We look forward to this being an exciting annual event.
