PTA Christmas Fayre

Thank you to everyone for making the PTA / College Christmas Fayre such a success on Thursday. Prizes have been awarded as follows:
Most festive stall
Most original idea
Best food stall
Thank you to everyone for making the PTA / College Christmas Fayre such a success on Thursday. Prizes have been awarded as follows:
Most festive stall
Most original idea
Best food stall
Form III had a super time at The Guernsey Cheshire Home singing carols, reading Christmas poems and socialising with their friends at the Home.
If anyone would like to buy a beautiful Christmas wreath or table decoration, pop to the home and pick one up; they will be on sale there today and …
Offshore sponsored a 24 Game in Form III today. The competition was hot and there were 3 rounds to fight out.
The eventual winner was Isabelle with Olivia and Beatrice in second and third places.
Mr Morgan, Managing Director of Offshore, was delighted with the morning and impressed by the speed…
Again the matches were hard fought. Congratulations to all the girls that took part and especially the eventual winners Carey House.
Great fun was had by the Removes and Lower 4's House Teams. They all played well and the results were as follows:
On Thursday 23rd November we held our first Well being Evening. The event gave parents from across the island the opportunity to hear from health professionals about the warning signs of emotional distress in young people. The presentation focused on distinguishing between normal adolescent behav…