Tel. 01481 721602
The Ladies' College

Senior School Open Morning

Saturday 21st September, 10.00 - 12.00

Guided tours from 10.00, Principal’s Address at 11.00

Our Open Morning is an opportunity to find out more about the innovative and dynamic education that The Ladies' College provides to help equip girls with the skills that they need for the new world. Tours are available from 10.00 where student guides will accompany you around the campus and offer their insights into life at The Ladies' College. The Principal, Daniele Harford-Fox, will also give a talk at 11.00 exploring how the College helps empower girls to navigate the future.

If you are unable to attend this event you are most welcome to book a personalised tour with our Registrar, Ros McClean, either for a first look or a second visit.

This video gives you a snap shot of what you can expect to see but we do encourage prospective parents and students to come along and see us in action.

Save the Date

Year 6 pupils from September 2024

Anyone wishing to register for a place for entry to Remove (Year 7) commencing September 2025, the Entrance Assessments will be held on Saturday 19th October. The closing date for Registrations is Friday 4th October 2024.

For more information:

Please contact our Registrar, Ros McClean


Phone: (+44) 01481 721602