Tel. 01481 721602
The Ladies' College




All parents have access to the School Nurse for advice about their daughters. Medical screening tests take place in various ear groups throughout the school year. Parents will be informed if this screening involves their daughter.


Fa Medkit 13  Medicines

Medication will not be administered to pupils in school except in special circumstances when requested by a parent. These requests must be made in writing and be agreed by the Head Teacher. Medication. must clearly labelled with the student's name and exact details about the medicine and dosage instructions and be stored in the medicine cabinet in the staff room.

When medicines are issued to pupils, the date, time and dosage will be recorded in the Medical Book on the medicine cabinet and initialled by the member of staff administering. Parents will be informed.

A list of children keeping asthma inhalers and Epipens at school is kept in the office and also in the staff room. Written parental permission must be given for children to bring asthma inhalers and Epipens to school. Asthma inhalers are kept in the teacher’s desk must be labelled with full instructions for use and a note made of the date and time of use. Epipens will be kept in a named wallet labelled on the outside with the child’s name, photograph and instructions for use. Children requiring epipens should keep two packs in school, one will be kept in the marked cupboard in the Melrose staff room and the second will be kept at the Senior School Reception. It is the parents’ responsibility to check expiry dates of all medications.

Under no circumstances should girls keep medication, including aspirin tablets, cough sweets etc. in their bags, desks or pockets.

Please ensure your daughter brings a clean handkerchief or tissues each day.


Fa Stethoscope 13  Illness

Parents are requested not to send their daughter to school if she is unwell. In cases of accident or illness during school hours parents will be contacted and asked to take their daughter home or to a doctor.

Girls should not attend school if they have:

• been ill with vomiting and diarrhoea should not return to school until 48 hours after symptoms have stopped.
• a reportable illness or condition that is contagious and a physician determines the child has not had sufficient treatment to reduce the health risk to others.
• a bacterial infection such as Impetigo if they have not completed 24 hours of antimicrobial therapy.
• lice, ringworm or scabies that is untreated and contagious to others.
• any condition which requires more care than staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children.

To inform Melrose of your daughter's absence or illness please contact the school secretary Miss Karmah Anders on tel: 721338 or email:


Feather Heart 13  Important information for students

If you are worried about anything (however small or big the problem) it is important to talk about it. Friends and family can sometimes help and at school you can turn to any of the following people:

1  The Form III Prefects 
2  Mrs Ozanne or Mrs de la Fosse
3  Any teacher or learning support assistant
4  Miss Anders
5  One of the dinner ladies
6  Childline 0800 1111

There is always someone who can listen and help and who will take your problem seriously.


Fa User 13  Worries, Concerns and Complaints

If you have any concerns about your daughter during her time with us please do not hesitate to contact us. Most minor problems can be sorted out quickly by talking to your child’s class teacher. If you feel that the class teacher is unable to help, the Head Teacher will be happy to discuss the matter with you.

In the unlikely event that the Head Teacher is unable to help or your concern or complaint is of a more serious nature please write to The Principal, Mrs A Clancy. A full explanation of our complaints policy and procedures is on the website. Complaints may also be made to the Independent Schools’ Inspectorate - You should expect to receive a written response notifying you of the outcome of our investigations within a maximum period of twenty eight days.


Fa Chevron Right 18  Back to Melrose