Tel. 01481 721602
The Ladies' College

Certificate of Enrichment

This in-house diploma programme consists of a weekly timetabled session over a two year assessment process, where students will be introduced to different opportunities to enrich their time in the Sixth Form. This is designed to be awarded at three levels which are Level 1 (Pass), Level 2 (Merit) or Level 3 (Distinction).

Attendance is compulsory. Various speakers will be invited to share their experiences through workshops, discussions and presentations. The topics will be very varied, including study skills, employability, careers and PSHE.

Students must record information about the sessions in their enrichment file and this will be useful to them when writing their personal statements. It is important that students apply for the enrichment opportunities promptly, check and reply to their college emails regularly, and return parental agreement forms by the due date in order to demonstrate good organisational skills.

Three objectives are considered before a student’s level of attainment is decided, which are:

1: Personal effectiveness (e.g. world awareness, skills, interests)
2: Working with others (e.g. within College, students from other schools, world of work, island community)
3: Managing learning (e.g. researching career options, attending workshops, academic achievement in line with targets set by subject teachers. AS results will be relevant)


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