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The Ladies' College

Drama - Activities

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Whole School Production

All Ladies' College students are encouraged to participate in the annual whole school production whether they are studying drama or not. Rehearsals usually take place over the weekends or after school.

Remove Drama Club

This is run by Mrs King, Head of Drama, once a week at lunchtime and covers theatre games, ensemble work, improvisation and character work. This is a highly popular activity for year 7 students.

Lower Four Drama Club

This is run by Mrs King, Head of Drama, with an upper school drama student, once a week at lunchtime and covers theatre games, ensemble work, improvisation and character work.

Upper Four Acting Skills Workshops

These are offered by Mrs King during parts of Lent and Trinity terms and allows students time to explore characterisation in more depth, as well offering an introduction acting techniques used by key theatre practitioners. This is an excellent (but not compulsory) preparation for GCSE Drama, as well as being a fun an informal space in which to have fun with drama for all students in Upper Four.

House Drama

The House Drama Competition currently takes place on the last day of the Michaelmas Term. The theme of each year reflects the work done by the department that year (for example, musicals, pantomime, classical texts). The emphasis is on fun and team work within the each House, offering all years the opportunity to work together creatively. The competition is judged by an outside judge against criteria set by the department, as appropriate to the genre of the production.


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