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The Ladies' College


Back 29.06.22

Sixth form students volunteer at turtle sanctuary


Two of our Lower Sixth students are travelling across the globe to The Zanzibar Archipelago which consists of several islands lying off the coast of East Africa.

Fabienne and Caitlin commented,

"On the 12th of July 2022 we will leave Guernsey to start a one week of volunteering in Nungwi, Zanzibar. We will be volunteering in the local turtle sanctuary with World Unite who we found through the International Volunteering Head Quarters. We are excited to work with the marine life and immerse ourselves into a new culture which we have never experienced before. When we are not busy volunteering we will be able to explore the local town and take part in activities such as sailing and kayaking. Whilst we are very excited for what our adventure has to bring, it will also be a good learning experience as this is the furthest, we have travelled by ourselves. We would like to say thank you to The Ladies' College for always encouraging us to take risks and be independent in stepping out of our comfort zones."

Miss Clements, Head of Sixth form, "I am so excited for Fabienne and Caitlin -what a wonderful experience it is going to be and we look forward to hearing all about their travels when they return to the Upper Sixth in September".

The College wishes Fabienne and Caitlin a safe and amazing experience in Zanzibar!
