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The Ladies' College


Back 24.05.22

New Governor Appointment


The Ladies’ College is delighted to announce the appointment by the States of Guernsey, following her nomination by the Committee for Education, Sports and Culture, of Eve Jardine-Young, the current Principal of Cheltenham Ladies’ College, as its new Governor with responsibility for the Board’s oversight of educational provision within the College.

Given the historic connection between Cheltenham Ladies’ College and The Ladies’ College, this is a particularly exciting moment for the College as it enters its 150th anniversary year. 

The two Colleges have been tied to together since the inception of The Ladies’ College in Guernsey in 1872, when the original founders decided they wanted to follow in the model of Dorothea Beale, the founder of Cheltenham Ladies’ College. With this in mind the then Deputy Principal at Cheltenham, Miss S M Eaton, moved across to Guernsey to become the first Principal of The Ladies’ College.

‘I couldn’t be more excited to have Eve join our Governing Board,’ said Daniele Harford-Fox, the new Principal at The Ladies’ College. ‘Not just because of the opportunity for a deeper connection between our two Colleges, but also because Eve’s vision for education is so in line with what we are trying to achieve at the College, and her wisdom and experience will be invaluable as we move forward.’

As Principal of Cheltenham Ladies’ College since 2011, Eve Jardine-Young, has led an educational community which champions women’s education, is forward looking, inclusive and service-oriented, and which inspires creativity and independence within its pupils. She chairs the World Leading Schools Association, is a graduate of Pembroke College, Cambridge, having trained as a structural engineer. Eve was born and raised in Malawi, Central Africa.

Eve Jardine-Young said “It is both a pleasure and a privilege to be joining the Board, renewing the historic connection between our schools within a modern context of shared values and commitment to excellence in the education of women.”

‘I am absolutely delighted to be able to welcome Eve Jardine-Young to our Board,’ said Caroline Chan, the Chair of the College’s Board. ‘Eve brings a wealth of educational and business expertise which I believe will benefit both our College and the wider community. I and the rest of our Board look forward to working with Eve.” 

In addition to Eve Jardine-Young’s appointment, Sir Richard Collas, the former Bailiff, has been appointed as a Governor of the Board, having been an Associate Governor since December 2020. Catharine Walter and Caroline Chan have each been re-appointed to their roles on the Board.

