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The Ladies' College

Melrose Maths - Our Curriculum

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Collins Busy Ant Maths is our main Mathematics scheme and we also use a variety of other books and resources. The main strands in Mathematics are Number, Geometry, Measurement and Statistics.

Mental arithmetic is an important part of Mathematics and a sound knowledge of Times Tables is essential if girls are to be able to think quickly. The girls take Times Tables Challenges on a weekly basis. We also help the girls to discover a range of strategies to use in their work. All girls also have individual passwords to access Mathletics, an online Mathematics Learning Resource. 

Problem solving is a key area and girls are encouraged to apply skills and reason mathematically.

A range of appropriate software is available, enabling us to use ICT in Mathematics.

In the Michaelmas term Forms II and III take part in the Primary Mathematics Challenge, set by the Mathematical Association.


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