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The Ladies' College

English - Our Curriculum

English Divider

“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” Margaret Fuller, journalist, critic and women’s rights activist

English is, of course, more than just reading. At Melrose, writing in its many forms takes an important place in our curriculum. From early mark making with a variety of media, girls begin to use their phonic skills to spell out words and phrases; they write sentences and make lists. Girls become effective writers as they learn to write independently and creatively.

The girls learn to use accurate grammar, to organise and structure their writing and to punctuate correctly. This is being further supported by Guided Writing sessions in the Junior Department.

Handwriting is also taught throughout the school, developing from a pre-cursive to cursive style by Upper Preparatory. The development of clear handwriting aids the presentation of work in all subject areas.

As with Drama, in English we also help pupils to develop effective speaking and listening skills. They learn to formulate and express ideas, to explore and develop ideas through talk and to listen and respond. By Form III we see even the most reserved child speaking out confidently to an audience.


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